My dear YOIs after celebrating Ria's birthday. LONG LIVE YOI..!

With my Jesuit Friends in Pune.

With My Jesuit Family in Kodaikanal after our Summer Meet, 2015.

Enacting in the SSU play 'It's Great to be Young' directed by beloved Cyril Desbruslais.,SJ.

Clicked during my visit to Liverpool.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

இதுவன்றோ மனிதம்..!

ஜீலை மாதம் 13 ஆம் தேதி சனிக்கிழமை. ராமநாதபுரம் மாவட்டம் ஓரியூர் கிராமத்திலிருந்து, தஞ்சாவூர் மாவட்டம் விளாங்குடி என்ற கிராமத்தை நோக்கிய பேருந்துப் பயணம். அப்பயண நேரத்திலே உறங்கிக் கொண்டிருந்த என்னை உசுப்பி விட்ட ஓர் அனுபவம். தஞ்சாவூர் பழைய பேருந்து நிலையத்திலே நான் வந்த பேருந்து நிற்க, விரட்டி அடித்துக் கொண்டு பலர் பேருந்துக்குள்ளே ஏறினர். மங்களகரமாக மல்லிகைப் பூச்சூடி தமிழ்நாட்டுப் பாணியிலே தாவணி அணிந்து இளம் மங்கையர் சிலர் வந்தனர். அவர்களைத் தொடந்தாற்போல் ஒரு சில இளைஞர்களும் வந்தனர். அவர்களெல்லாம் ஏதோ நன்கு படித்தவர்கள் போல கண்ணுக்குப் பட்டனர். அனைவர் கைகளிலும் இருந்த அலைபேசி அவர்களின் விரல்களால் அடிவாங்கிக் கொண்டிருந்தது. முண்டி மோதி உள்ளே வந்த அவர்களைத் தொடர்ந்து களைப்போடு நடுத்தர வயது மிக்க ஒரு சில ஆண்களும், பெண்களும் ஏதோ கட்டிட வேலை பார்த்து விட்டு கால், கைகளிலெல்லாம் சிமெண்ட் படிந்ததோடு கைகளில் பழைய தூக்கு வாலிகளோடு வந்தனர். அவர்களோடு ஒரு வயதான மூதாட்டியும் வந்தார். பார்ப்பதற்கு மிகவும் பரிதாபமாக இருந்தது அந்த மூதாட்டியின் கோலம். “இந்த வயதான காலத்தில் ஏன் இப்படி கஷ்டப்பட்டு கட்டிட வேலைக்கு போகிறார் இவர்? ஒரு வேளை குழந்தைகள் கஞ்சி ஊத்த மறுத்திருப்பார்கள்” என என் உள் மனதிற்குள் எண்ணிக் கொண்டே அந்த மூதாட்டியை நோக்கிய வண்ணம் இருந்தேன். அனைவரும் அமர்ந்த பிறகு மீதி இருந்த ஓர் இருக்கையிலே அமர்ந்தவாரு அவர் சொன்ன வார்த்தைகள் என் காதில் விழுந்தன. “பாவம், யாரு பெத்த புள்ளையோ? முப்பதாயிரம் ரூபாய தொலச்சிட்டு அழுதுகிட்டு இருக்கா. பாவம் பணத்த பத்திரமா வைக்காம எவனோ திருட்டுப் பய அடிச்சிட்டு போயிட்டானே?”என்று பணத்தை தொலைத்து விட்டு பரிதாப நிலையில் இருந்த வேறொரு பெண்ணுக்காக புலம்பினாள் உழைப்பின் களைப்பில் இருந்த அந்த மூதாட்டி. “போனது போயிருச்சு அத நெனச்சி என்ன பண்றது. நீ ஏன் பாட்டி கவலப்படுற?” என்று படித்தவர் போல் இருந்த ஒருவர் கேட்க, “தம்பி… உழச்சு சம்பாதிச்சா பணத்தோட அரும தெரியும். பட்டம் படிச்ச உங்களுக்கு தெரியுதோ, இல்லையோ பள்ளிக் கூட நெழலுக்கே போகாம கட்டிடம் கட்டி கஷ்டப்படுற எனக்கு காசோட கஷ்டம் தெரியும் பா!”என்று சொன்னதைக் கேட்டு வாயடைத்துப் போனான் அந்த வாலிபன். அவனைத் தொடர்ந்து வேறொருவர் அந்த பாட்டியிடம் “வேற யாரோ தொலச்சதுக்கு நீ என்ன பாட்டி ரொம்ப கஷ்டப் படுற?” என்று கேட்க, “என்னப்பா நீ பேசுற. ஆயிரம்தான் இருந்தாலும் அவளும் ஒரு மனுசி தானே. முப்பதாயிரம் சேர்க்க எவ்வளவு கஷ்டப்பட்டுருப்பா?
நடந்த அனைத்தையும் மௌனமாக கேட்டுக் கொண்டிருந்த எனக்கு உண்மையான மனிதத்தினை அங்கே காண முடிந்தது. தன்னைப் பற்றியே சுயநலப்போக்கோடு சிந்திக்கும் மனிதர்கள் மத்தியில் அந்த மூதாட்டியின் மனநிலை என்னை அதிகம் கவர்ந்தது. பட்டம் படித்தும் பலர் தங்களைத் தவிர வேறு யாரையும் நினைக்க மறக்கும், மறுக்கும் இந்த சுயநல உலகிலே, உழைத்த களைப்பிலும் பணத்தினை தொலைத்து விட்டு கஷ்டப்படும் முகவரி தெரியாத ஒருவருக்காய் வருந்துகிறாரே இந்த மூதாட்டி. அந்த தருணமே சுய நலம் மறைந்து பிறர் நலம் பிறக்க வேண்டிய முக்கியத்தை உணர்ந்தேன். படித்துவிட்டோம் என்று பகிரங்கமாய் சொல்லிக் கொண்டு அலைபேசிகளை அழுத்தியே காலத்தைக் கழித்து, தன்னைப் பற்றியே சிந்திக்கத் துடிக்கும் என்னைப் போன்ற படித்தவர்கள் அந்த மூதாட்டி போன்ற படிக்காத பாமரர்களிடமிருந்து கற்றுக் கொள்ள வேண்டிய வாழ்க்கைப் பாடங்கள் ஏராளம். ஆயிரம்தான் இருந்தாலும் அவனும் மனிதனே என்று அடுத்தவனுக்காய் பிறர் நலத்தோடு சிந்திக்கும் போது மனிதம் நிச்சயம் மலர்ந்திடும் என்பதில் எவ்வித ஐயமும் இல்லை. சுயநலச் சாக்கடையில் சோம்பேறிகளாய் செத்தழிந்தது போதும், பிறர் நலம் பேணிக் காத்திட பிறருக்காக நம் வாழ்வினை அர்ப்பணிப்போம். அப்போது அர்த்தம் பெறுவது நம் வாழ்வு மட்டும் அல்ல பிறரின் வாழ்வும் தான்;. சுயநலம் மறைந்து பிறர் நலம் பிறந்திடும் போது “இதுவன்றோ மனிதம்!” என மனிதத்தைப் போற்றிடலாம், மானுடத்தை மாற்றிடலாம், மகத்தான பணியை மனிதத்திற்கு ஆற்றிடலாம்.

Be The Change...!

 Be the Change!

              Nobody is perfect, knows Naveen. Yet he wanted to see a perfect world with right people at the right time, in right place, doing the right things. Naveen is a poor boy from a remote village near Villupuram about 150 Km from Chennai. He was 19 years old and he was studying, Zoology in a college in Chennai. Being a first generation learner he was the first person to come to the college from his village. May be because of this he had a high respect among his villagers and even the elders respected him for what he was and they approached him whenever they were in need of any intellectual help. 

Naveen was an intelligent boy but he belonged to a poor family. Money and intelligence often do not go together. And he felt himself very inferior compared to the other students in his college. He is a person who has experienced a lot of struggles and sufferings in his life. He always remembered the words of his loving father, Murugan, which was the propelling dynamism within. “Naveen, never give up; feel confident always”.
            It is because of the confidence and encouragement given by his father that he was able to come out of his inferiority complex and face the challenges in his small world. However, a strong desire to see a perfect world has been burning within. “Is a perfect world possible?” was his inner urge. And he believed that he can see a perfect world in the near future. He told his friends in the college about his desire and his friends fooled him telling “Come on perfect man, of course,you can see a perfect world!” They wrote on the black board in big letters “PERFECT WORLD” and asked him “Are you able to see a perfect world? See there!” While most of his friends in the class teased him, there was a girl who came to him and said, “Don’t worry, dear Naveen. You can see a perfect world – Keep looking for it”. And she told about a sage who lived in a small village and advised him to meet the sage.
            Naveen marched towards that small village. He never expected such a beautiful village near Chennai, a metropolitan city, wherein there are many scientific and technological industries and national and international corporate companies and where of course so much of pollution takes place. It was a nice experience for Naveen to walk on the banks of the riverbed on the way to the village looking for the sage. In spite of his troubled heart, his mind was bit smoothened by the silent breeze that caressed him in that place of natural beauty. But his mind was busy thinking! Was he really troubled? What was the reason for all his worries and for his longing desire to see a perfect world? Is it because that he lived in an imperfect world? What imperfection did he find in the society at large?
            As Naveen walked along the river bank, he saw an old man grazing the sheep and asked him “Where can I meet the sage?” Observing the desperate condition of Naveen, the old man said, “My boy, you can just cross over to the other side of the river and that old temple you see there is the place where he lives in”.With much joy in his face even if there was trouble within, Naveen approached the temple. It was an ancient temple with some huge idols placed outside. On seeing the giant idols, Naveen in his own humble way bent down and worshipped as he used to do in his village especially during the time of festivals. “Lord, help me to see a perfect world” were the words going on within Naveen as he bent down in worship.
             Hoping to get some positive result from the sage, he looked around to see where the sage was. For his surprise, the sage was inside the temple, sitting in a comfortable posture and Naveen heard some mantra being recited by the sage. Naveen was in a dilemma whether to disturb the sage or to wait for him. After some time he decided to stay there on the temple verandah until the sage comes out from his meditation. Having come from a long distance he was very thirsty and he searched for some water pot nearby and he didn’t find one there. So he just moved to the river and quenched his thirst. 

            As he came back to the temple verandah he found himself very tired and noticed that the time was past midday and he hoped that the sage might soon come out for his lunch. As he was rehearsing within the points that he wanted to share with the sage he just laid down on the verandah. Within a few seconds he fell asleep.As he was sleeping, his mind just went back to all his sorrowful life experiences in the past. It was a fine morning. And the sun was just spreading its rays from the sky. But Naveen was filled with a lot of anxieties. He was hopeless and being a small boy of just ten, he didn’t know what to do at the time while his mother fell seriously ill due to a heart problem. His father took his mother and admitted her in a government hospital.
 Naveen was literally begging door to door asking for some financial help from his neighbours and no one was willing to help him. “Akka (Sister)” he cried to a woman in the nearby house, “please give me some money. My mother is seriously ill and we need money to give her treatment in the hospital.” “Sorry, I can never give you any money” she said like a heartless devil, “you don’t have any property and how the hell can you return the money to me? Go and ask for the help from some others”. Having asked for help from almost all in the village, without getting any help from his so called neighbours, he hurried towards the hospital to see his loving mother. When he reached the hospital, he fell down at the feet of his father who sat near his dead mother in a stretcher. Tears trickled down from his eyes and his father didn’t have tears in his eyes and he looked as if he is also dead. “Appa, what happened to amma?” Naveen cried holding his father’s
            There was a long silence. Even the air didn’t have a kind heart to console the suffering souls. They were both soul stricken and seemed to be left alone without any one coming to their aid. After a long silence, his father said to Naveen in a melancholic tone, “My dear Naveen, we are poor and your mother died because we didn’t have enough money. These bloody doctors are asking for a huge amount which we can’t pay. Your mother is dead and gone my son.” Naveen thought within himself that only with money people can survive in this world. “Why do people in this world consider money more important than morals? when can I see a perfect world in my life?” these were the questions that arose in his mind when he was just ten years old. Having lost his loving mother, who was very dear to him, Naveen felt as if he had lost his own life.
At this time of great sorrow, it was his father who said “My dear son you must become great. You must fulfill the wish of your mother. She always longed to see you as a doctor. Your mother was not able to be cured because of the fact that we were poor. That desperate condition must never occur to anyone in this world. When you become a doctor, never deny help to anyone especially to the desperate and the poor”, his father told him holding him gently to his heart. Immediately Naveen said to his father with a lot of zeal and earnestness, “Appa (Daddy), I will become a doctor and give free medical treatment to all those who are in need”. Seeing the enthusiasm of his son at that very early age, his father replied, “My dear son, you will become great”. With that spirit of eager and enthusiasm, Naveen studied very well and scored excellent grades in the school. After some years, when he completed his plus two, to his joy and happiness he got the first mark in his school in the public examination.
            Having come up in his life from a poor background and having achieved this, he hoped that he would surely fulfill the deep desire of his loving mother. When the admission was going on for the medical college, he hoped that he would be given the seat on merit. With this hope, he went to a famous medical college in Chennai and when he met the admission officer there, he felt that the admission officer would praise him for his hard work and achievement and give a seat. But it happened on the other way about. He looked up and scanned Naveen and his father from top to bottom and asked them, “Where are you from?” Naveen said, “Sir, We are from a poor village near Villupuram. And I am from a poor Dalit family. Please help me sir. I have a strong desire to study hard and become a doctor in order to serve the poor people freely”.

            “Do you have money to give for the admission?” was the immediate question from the officer and Naveen and his father were standing silently without having words to speak. After some time he opened his mouth and said, “Sir, I am a poor boy. But I have scored the first place in the public examination. Please help me sir. I will be...” before Naveen could complete his words the officer called the security and asked him to send them out of the office. with much sadness and sorrow, feeling depressed he asked his father, “ Appa, why is it that I am not given an admission in the medical college even though I have high marks” “ My dear son”, his father said, “You longed to study in an English medium school but I put you in the government school. Do you know why? Everywhere they asked for money. And as you know your mother died because we didn’t have enough money. In this world of ours, marks or morals don’t matter, much money matters”. Telling these words to Naveen his father took him home.

Days passed on and after strenuous efforts he got a seat in a private college in Chennai. In the beginning of the academic year, there was a students’ union election held in that college and he noticed how money was used as a tool to manipulate the students and get the votes. He was
fully disturbed, when he noticed that the man who spent a lot of money won the election. He got wild and decided to do something for the society, which respects money rather than morals. “Why can’t I contest in the election next year?” as he was thinking, somebody tapped on his
shoulder and asked him, “Thambi (little brother), what do you want?” Naveen got up from his sleep and surprised to see the Sage standing near him and told him his quest for seeing the perfect world. After listening to the sad story of Naveen, the sage in his humble way said, “My dear boy, I was also like you and wanted to see a perfect world and at the end decided that I could never change the world, rather I decided to change myself and that has made me sacrifice everything and lead such a simple life based not on money but on morals. You must become the change that you want to see in this world”. As Naveen saw the sage, he fell at his feet and said within, “Why can’t I be the change that I want to see”.
For a moment he struggled whether to accept the reality or to change the reality. Then it became very clear to him that he should realize his dream of becoming a doctor. But how? He remembered the man grazing the cattle on the way – He should work, work and work more. He came back to his college, started working part time. With the money he earned he could study and earn not only a little money but also academic laurels. His mindset was to change the face of the world and to be a counter culture. He worked for a couple of years, he did win a scholarship and went on to medical school and became a doctor. All through the ordeal of his poverty and his being rejected by the moneyed people, his mindset that he could become great kept vibrating and that made the difference. He realized the world may not become perfect but you could become perfect and change your environment perfect. He shone as a beacon of perfect person in the world of darkness. He realized that when you want to achieve something you could harness the entire world power, which is within oneself, to achieve the dream. He is a great doctor, an internationally cardiologist today. For him money matters little but each people matters a lot. He is the sage in action.


Friday, 20 September 2013

அழகு தேவதை என் அம்மா....

அழகு தேவதை என் அம்மா....

                                                                                                              தமிழில்... தைரியம் .

                                                                               நன்றி : பணி . அருளானந்தம், சே. ச.

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Thursday, 19 September 2013

முயற்சிகள்  ஜெயித்திட...

முயற்சிகள் வாழ்வில் தோற்றிடும் போது

முனைப்புடன் நாமும் நடந்திட வேண்டும்!

தோல்விகள் வாழ்வில் நிகழ்ந்திடும் போது

வேள்விகள் நாமும் நடத்திட வேண்டும்!

மானிட வாழ்வில் மகிழ்ந்திட நாமும்

மனிதத்தை நாளும் வளர்த்திட வேண்டும்!