My dear YOIs after celebrating Ria's birthday. LONG LIVE YOI..!

With my Jesuit Friends in Pune.

With My Jesuit Family in Kodaikanal after our Summer Meet, 2015.

Enacting in the SSU play 'It's Great to be Young' directed by beloved Cyril Desbruslais.,SJ.

Clicked during my visit to Liverpool.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Be Stirred Indians...!

“Half of Indians have no toilet.” 
These words of AmartyaSen, Nobel prize-winning academician and a remarkable economist of our time have made every Indian see the pathetic plight of our so called great Indian economy. Dr. Sen in his recent book, “An Uncertain Glory” co- authored by his long-time colleague Jean Drèze has once again given a devastating critique of India’s economic boom. Almost all Indians probably know the existing phenomenon of poverty in our so called fastest growing economy. Yet none had the courage to boldly and bluntly address it. 
It was a moment of happiness as well as shame for me as I read the words of Dr. Sen. Happy I was because this great economist had dared to bring out a shocking reality while many of our leaders today refuse and hide the real Bharath under the banner of “Shining India.” Extremely embarrassed I was to realize the pathetic plight of many of my fellow citizens suffering in this land of riches without having access even to an iota of resources from this land. Our citizens are living their lives in extreme poverty without any basic facilities and that has stirred Dr. Sen to question, 
                                     “Where more than 600 million Indians go to defecate?” 

Looking at the raw reality in a more realistic approach, Dr. Sen’s words reveal the shameful situation of this glorious nation. "Half of all Indians have no toilet. In Delhi when you build a new condominium there are lots of planning requirements but none relating to the servants having toilets. It's a combination of class, caste and gender discrimination. It's absolutely shocking. Poor people have to use their ingenuity and for women that can mean only being able to relieve themselves after dark with all the safety issues that entails." 
Being a citizen of this nation and having grown up in a rural background I have eye-witnessed this sad reality. Huge amount of money is spent in the name of development but seldom do we find a true development that serves the poor and the marginalized sections of our nation. As Dr. Sen has rightly pointed out, the suffering lots have no access to toilets and they have to hide somewhere if they need to relieve themselves. Umpteen times I have felt pity for those women, in my own village, who would wait till dusk to relieve themselves. Dr. Sen has rightly hit the nail on the head. Yes, it is the existing reality even in this twenty first century. Somehow or other we those who are educated and have somehow got access to toilets and many facilities at the cost of those 600 million forget to feel for those 600 million men and women in misery. It has taken these many years to bring this existing evil to limelight and I doubt how many years would it take to eradicate this evil and set it right. The defective development of this nation has harmed the poor and the marginalized lots to a great extent. 
As Dr. Sen points out, “Fifty per cent of children are stunted, the vast majority due to undernourishment. Fifty per cent of women have anaemia for the same reason. In one survey, there was no evidence of any teaching activity in 50% of schools in seven big northern states, which explains terrible academic underachievement.” Looking at the present reality, it is very clear that the governments over the years have failed to ensure an economy that would benefit all its citizens. What is the use of a few flourishing at the cost of millions suffering in misery? Can this shameful situation continue to exist? Certainly no! Enough of misery for millions of our innocent lots! The nation today needs a change and that should emerge not from those few who are enjoying all kinds of facilities at the cost of the people but rather it should emerge from every citizen who wants to see this nation a happy, prosperous and peaceful one for all to live in. 
Our political leaders who are to help the people live in happiness, peace and prosperity have failed to realize their duties as the leaders of this great nation. They have given more importance to their own economic prosperity than that of the nation. It is precisely because of their vested interest and preplanned dirty party and family politics that they have betrayed the nation and its citizens to the extreme of everyday shame. There is a desire in every human to lead a dignified life at least with the minimum facilities possible. Let the nation not forget that those 600 million are also humans and they should enjoy at least the basic facilities. Even if they don’t enjoy a great share in the economic growth of the nation, let them have a place at least to relieve themselves! 

We can no longer believe that the political leaders would make that happen. If we really want a change, not those in power but those who feel that the powerful should be overthrown must be stirred to make this nation a suitable place for all its citizens to live in. In the words of Dr. Sen, "Patience is a minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue." Be stirred citizens! Enough of remaining silent even after seeing the shocking reality! When 600 million innocent ones don’t have the basic facility of having a toilet, how can we ever be proud of an economic boom and remain in disguise? 



                     கணிப்பொறி வேண்டாம் அரசே...

                                 கழிப்பறை கொடு.....

இது 21-ம் நூற்றாண்டு.....

வளரும் இந்தியாவில் வாடும் இந்தியர்கள்


ஒளிரும் இந்தியாவில் உருகும் இந்தியர்கள்


அமர்த்தியா சென் அவர்களின் பார்வையில் 

600 மில்லியன் இந்தியர்களுக்கு....அடிப்படை வசதி இல்லை...

என்ன கேவலம் இது....? 

இந்த கேவலம் புரிய வேண்டியவர்களுக்கு புரிவதில்லையே...

அறிய வேண்டியவர்கள் அறிந்தும் அறியாமலே உள்ளனரே....

இலவசம் என்ற பெயரில் ஒரு ஏமாற்றம் அல்லவா 

அரங்கேறிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது...?

இலவசமாய் "கணிப்பொறி" கொடுக்கும்  தமிழகம்

காசுக்கு அல்லவா கழிப்பறை வழங்குகிறது..?

கழிப்பறை வசதியின்றி...

காட்டிலும், மேட்டிலும், இருட்டிலும்

கழிப்பிடம் தேடி அலையும்...

ஏழைகள் எத்தனை எத்தனை...

கணிப்பொறி கொடுத்து எம்மை கவிழ்த்தது போதும் அரசே...

எப்போது நீ அடிப்படை வசிதியான கழிப்பறை கொடுக்கப் போகிறாய்...?

தடுமாறும் தமிழ் உறவுகளே...

நாம் விழித்தெழுவது எப்போது....?

கலர் டி. வி யும் வேண்டாம்...கணிப்பொறியும் வேண்டாம்...

முதலில் கழிப்பறையைக் கொடு...!

- தைரியம்.