Sunday, 7 September 2014

Education: A Plight for the poor & A Delight for the rich…!

For the past few years, many surprising and saddening stories I do hear. Some are of delight and the rest are of plight. Yes, I hear the delightful stories of the rich and the plight-filled stories of the poor and all with regard to the admission of students in schools and colleges. Everywhere, the dawn of new academic year is a delight for some and a plight for many. It is a delight for those who have their pockets full, even if the marks are low. It is a plight for those who don’t have the money power to place their children in a school, where their children dream to study. This year too as usual, I heard, God alone knows the truth, many incidents where in money played a major role to get admissions. There seem to have been a few cases, wherein admissions, denied earlier, were given at a later stage due to the influence of money. And I felt ashamed to hear such immorality happening in many institutions, much more in religious institutions, wherein morality has to be taught and I wondered how these institutions could make men and women, who would shape the future of this glorious nation of ours. India has been glorious in many ways and as a citizen of this nation I do feel proud of Mother India for her rich legacy in all walks of life. Even in the educational field, our nation has been a pioneer in providing quality education to students from many countries. None in the history of the world, would ever forget the glorious reign of Nalanda University in the field of education. Started in the 5th century AD, Nalanda University has served as one of the most famous institutes of learning at the international arena. As a young man of this nation, my heart overwhelms with joy, to know the great service Nalanda University has rendered to the nation and to the world at large. What a great pride it is for us Indians to know that the University attracted scholars and students from Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia, Turkey, Greece and Persia! It was truly an institution that had one singular motif in mind. That is nothing but education. Education in its true sense of elevating the minds and hearts to a greater level of learning, research and reflection. Comparing the ancient educational system of our Mother land with the present system, I see a long list of differences. The present education in our country is a delight for the rich and a plight for the poor. The rich people have access to education, while the poor find it hard to get themselves placed in some of our educational institutions. With the advent of many private schools, in many parts of the country, education has become more a business than service. Gone are those wonderful days, where education was considered to be a tool for service. Today, the educational system itself is at flaw. The school or college fee for the students in many of our private institutions really shock us and shatter the dreams of the poor students. The syllabus taught in our schools are more of mark oriented than life oriented. Almost all the educational institutions look for getting ranks in district, state and national level but seldom do they pay heed to educate those innocent lots who don’t have access to education. Even after the Right to Education Act (RTE) coming into force on 1 April, 2010, many of our nation’s poor find it hard to educate their children due to the ever increasing fee structure of our schools, and colleges. The plight of the innocent children in many parts of the nation begging and laboring for their food is a live example of the evil impacts created by the present system.
For many of our educational institutions, money has become a main motif. And so money making is at work in place of serving the poor and needy. It is very difficult to locate a school that educates a less knowledgeable person and makes him/ her more knowledgeable. It is pathetic also to note the evil of selling the degrees for money. In our nation, it does happen in many places wherein persons are given degrees without attending any classes, provided they provide them with some money. Corruption is very much prevalent not only in government offices and in big companies, but rather it is very much at work in our educational institutions. More troubled I am to see such situations in some of the renowned religious institutions of our nation. At this crucial condition, where money plays a major role, whether we like it or not, morality has to take a back seat. And in such a condition, education for the poor remains a plight while for the rich it becomes a delight. On 5th June, addressing a function on the 150th birth anniversary of Acharya Satis Chandra Mukherjee organized by the National Council of Education, Bengal, our Honorable President Shri Pranab Mukherjee expressed disappointment over the fact “that not a single modern Indian educational institution is amongst the top 200 educational institutes in the world, whereas from 3rd century BC to 12th century AD, for a period of 1500 years, India was the leader in higher education in the world.” The President has also underlined the fact that it is not impossible to return to the days of our past glory. The dream of the President should be the dream of every Indian more importantly every educational institution of our nation to “return to the days of our past glory.” Enough of enjoying the rich heritage of the past, and taking shelter in the past glory. We need to do concrete actions that bring glory for the present which will shape the future. That can become a reality only when education becomes a delight for all the citizens of our nation. Keeping aside the evil intentions of making money out of education, all should strive hard to take education as a tool for serving the suffering humanity and bringing glory to our nation.