Sunday, 7 September 2014

Prophetic Politicians: An emerging need…!

Delivering the key note address to the participants at the 3rd Chennai Mission Assembly of the Jesuit Madurai Province at Loyola College, Chennai, Fr. Ambrose Pinto SJ put forth a challenge for all of us, “Is it possible for us to move from charitable and developmental works to social movements, from clerical communities to prophetic one?” His radical reflections are very much applicable for the entire Church today, as we reflect over the role of Christians in the politics today. We need to be proud that for centuries together, we have been building very many institutions of great excellence but humbly should we accept that we have failed to build effective movements with a radical response to the current corrupt political system we are in. The Catholic institutions have produced very many great intellectual giants, who have brought name and fame to our country. At the same time, we need to humbly accept that we have failed to produce ‘enough’ men and women, who could fight against the shameful system we are in. I have oftentimes wondered whether there is a flaw in our approach. We the Catholics have been instrumental in empowering the people through many meaningful missionary activities. Our nation owes a lot to the foreign missionaries who selflessly struggled in the service of the poor and oppressed of our land. The past prophetic deeds of the missionaries do inspire all the people of this nation even today after these many years, and it is because of their prophetic vision with a people- centered approach. But things have changed drastically. We, the Catholics who are to take that prophetic vision of our forefathers forward, have failed in doing so. Very recently, I asked a friend of mine, “What do you think about the role of the Church in the Indian politics today?” My friend sarcastically replied, “When the members of the Church are much concerned about their power politics within the Church, how will they concentrate on the Indian politics?” His words at once made me fuel with anger and sternly asked him not to utter such statements. But, as he left, his words continued to trouble me within. I couldn’t really stomach what he said. Yet deep within me, there was a constant fight going on to prove my friend right and prove me wrong. His words made me look at the sheer reality as it is. From his words, I discovered a disturbing fact. Yes, we Christians need to get rid of our power politics and get involved in playing a pivotal role in the Indian politics. For, I strongly believe that there is an emerging need for prophetic politicians. The power mongering politicians are playing a dirty political game using the people of this nation for their whims and fancies. At this crucial juncture, the teachings of Christ can play a remarkable role in combating this corrupt system and envisaging an effective political system that has the common man at its center. AAP, which was started as a social movement, has made everyone turn their heads making a huge change in the political arena within a very short span of time. We all might have come across various issues related to the AAP. Yet, taking its epoch-making political entry and anti-corruption approach into account we need to realize deep within that we have a lot more to learn from them as we dream of playing an effective role in the Indian politics. Keeping in mind the emerging need for making the Church of God alive and active according to the signs of our times, we need to accept that there is a greater challenge for us to offer to this nation in the field of politics. The need of our nation today is not powerful politicians but prophetic politicians, who could radically respond to the corrupt condition of our nation. So far, the politicians have been very much bothered about their political power. In our political system today, what matters is not PEOPLE but POWER. Forgetting that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, our political leaders have been over the centuries concentrating on their vested interests and thus turning their deaf ears to the cries of those in agonies.  To put an end to this evil practice of power- politics, the Christian values of love, peace and justice can contribute to a great extend in building up a political system that respects people instead of power; service instead of political success; and people’s interests instead of their vested interests. A prophetic politician, in my opinion, is a person who gets into politics in order to clean the corrupt system more courageously not through mere words but through his/ her prophetic deeds and renew the system with a radical approach of fulfilling the purpose of politics- to be and for the citizens of the nation, which has been long forgotten by the present politicians of our nation. Looking at the present political system of our country, everyone would agree with me in stating that we are fed up with family and party politics. And what we need now is to get rid of the present system and get more involved in a new system that paves way for a new approach keeping the people at its center. This can be more effectively made a reality only by prophetic politicians. And so the prime responsibility for the Christians today in the Indian politics is to bring forth many prophetic politicians, who could clean this corrupt system with the radical approach of our Lord Christ himself. The words of Fr. Ambrose Pinto SJ should stir our souls to reflect creatively and respond radically. Enough of maintaining huge buildings in the name of institutions, enough of making money in the name of mission, enough of involving in dirty power politics in the name of caste, and above all enough of remaining silent spectators of this corrupt political system. The present situation beckons us to be prophetic in our approach. Are we as Christians ready to get out of our huge institutions in order to build peoples movements which could eventually become prophetic political movements? Or at least can we conscientize the members in our institutions to be wary of the corrupt system and build an effective system that promotes prophetic politicians? As the general election is fast approaching, we Christians can do a lot to bring a change in our system. A drop in the ocean can make a huge difference. So be it with our prophetic deeds!                                                                      ***********************************