My dear YOIs after celebrating Ria's birthday. LONG LIVE YOI..!

With my Jesuit Friends in Pune.

With My Jesuit Family in Kodaikanal after our Summer Meet, 2015.

Enacting in the SSU play 'It's Great to be Young' directed by beloved Cyril Desbruslais.,SJ.

Clicked during my visit to Liverpool.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Dams towards ………..Development or Destruction ….?

We are living in an era of development which leads us also towards destruction. Even in this 21st century poor people are forced to lead their lives in a path of agony which they never wish to do. In a way they go against their own will in order to satisfy the "so called" powerful men and women, who control the poor and the oppressed. The powerful politicians and others take advantage of the voiceless people and usurp their rights. In the name of helping the people they enjoy a life of luxury while the poor and the oppressed still suffer spending their lives on the railway platforms and the road side pavements. The politicians raise their voices to the maximum when they come for the election campaign. But after the election when they are asked to raise voice against the atrocities done to the voiceless people, hardly do they pay heed to their needs. All they need is nothing but the power. In the name of building bridges and dams the power hunger politicians fill their coffers with gold and diamond and fail to build the bridges and dams at least with proper bricks. You may wonder why all these? Undoubtedly all these things are necessary to realize and know the sufferings the people undergo because of the selfish politicians. In the end of November heavy rains lashed the coastal districts of Tamil Nadu and about 22 people were reported to be dead. Because of the heavy rain 50,000 hectares of crops were submerged in the Cauvery delta districts and about 64,000 hectares were officially declared flood-hit. During the heavy rains there were very many destructions all around Tamil Nadu and people found it extremely difficult to take shelter in their houses and thousands of huts in the coastal areas were damaged.
There are many dams and reservoirs in the country but very often they are not used properly. This causes a great danger in the lives of the poor and the oppressed. When the available resources are not properly utilized, the GOVT plans a lot to construct a great number of dams and due to this there is not enough development rather destruction. The dams are mainly built in order to retain the water. The main function of the dams can be described as follows:   The dams are used to generate power and to supply water. They help the people to control and stabilize water flow and irrigation. Though the function of the dams is the abovementioned purpose, there have been a lot of incidents where the dams fail to attain the purpose and thus many people end up their lives in suicides. The dams have been a place for storing the water and hardly have they been a place from where the people could have an access to water supply and irrigation.
The dams in our place are opened only when there is a flood and when the dams are full. There is also another heartbreaking issue because of building dams. Though the purpose of building dams is to help the people, the impact is more harmful than its benefit. Dams affect many ecological aspects of a river. Dams slow the river and this disturbance may cause a big trouble to the environment. Many environmentalists like Medha pathkar and Arundhati Roy have fought against this evil and still the GOVT is very keen on building dams. All that the GOVT does must be for the good of the people and when it doesn't help, the GOVT must quit the plan for helping the poor.
The Narmada dam project has been a big controversial issue and its environmental impact has been widely debated all over the country. Since the late 1980s this problem exists and the impact of this project is more than its benefit. According to the government, the Narmada Valley Dam Projects will provide water to 20 to 40 million people, irrigate 1.8 to 1.9 million hectares of land, and produce 1450 megawatts of power. The Narmada River runs through three states: Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat. The Indian GOVT plans to build some 3,200 dams. The Narmada Valley Development Project (NVDP) is the single largest river development project in India. This project is one of the largest hydroelectric projects in the world. The impact of this large project threatens not the powerful politicians but the poor Adivasi families, peasants and the innocent laborers. This project will displace more than 1.5 million people from Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. 

The struggle against this project was not begun with in a day or two. It is a struggle started many years back. It was in the year 1999 that the innocent Adivasies raised their voices against this project telling the GOVT that they are ready to drown and die in order to stop this devastating development plans. Because of the NVDP the innocent people are going to be affected and the project is carried out without the participation of the people. Over 4, 00,000 million people will lose their lands and among them about 7,000 people have been resettled. The available resources tell us that more than a million people will be displaced and they will be left alone with out proper compensation. The poor Adivasies, peasants and laborers who find it extremely difficult to lead their lives happily are forced to give their own lands and get out under control. Medha pathkar has repeatedly said that "the assessment of large dams like the Sardar Sarovar cannot be made on the basis of the displacement-rehabilitation issue alone. It becomes important to ask why the Adivasies, peasants, and laborers should sacrifice their life and resources. Instead of spending most of the irrigation allocations of Gujarat on this single project, we appeal to concentrate all the attention, resources and power for true, sustainable, decentralized alternatives without the problem of displacement."
In our country 200 million people don't have an access to safe drinking water; 600 million people lack proper sanitation and above 350 million people live below poverty line. A great number of poor people do not have access to fulfill their fundamental needs. At this crucial stage is it very much necessary to build such a huge dam which will affect the lives of the millions of our brothers and sisters?. Arundhati Roy, an environmentalist in her book "The cost of living" has said that "Big dams are obsolete. They lay the earth to waste. They cause floods, water logging, salinity; they spread disease. There is mounting evidence that links big dams to earth quake". When we look at all these impacts of building dams, if we have hearts to feel with, we may raise in rebellion against this project. There are also other dam projects which cause very many impacts on the poor and the oppressed.
As citizens of this nation and as energetic youth  in particular, it is our prime responsibility to raise our voice for the innocent people who are affected in the name of building dams. When we critically analyze such issues, we can clearly realize the truth that the dams lead the nation not towards development but towards destruction. Even after knowing the crooked game played by our GOVT are we going to keep mum, as we are always, or are we going to do something good for the people? Take time to reflect a little and do something for the development of the nation. Let us be ready to encourage everything that is good for the people and that leads the nation towards development. Let us also be ever ready to fight against all that leads the nation towards destruction. If we are not going to do, who else will do? If not now when are we going to do? Let us start today, at this time and at this minute. If we are united, no one can stop us from marching towards development.

ஆயுதம் ஒழித்திட... அமைதியை வளர்த்திட...

ஆயுதம் ஒழித்திட...
அமைதியை வளர்த்திட...
எங்கே சென்றது எம் அமைதி...?
அறிவியல் வளர்ந்து விட்டது
மனிதனின் அறியாமை குறையவில்லையே!
ஆன்மீகம் வளர்ந்து விட்டது
மனிதனின் ஆணவம் குறையவில்லையே!
இயந்திரம் வளர்ந்து விட்டது
மனிதனின் இல்லாமை குறையவில்லையே!
அதிகாரம் வளர்ந்து விட்டது
மனிதனின் அகங்காரம் குறையவில்லையே!
பணபலம் வளர்ந்து விட்டது
மனிதனின் பாசாங்கு குறையவில்லையே!
இல்லாமையிலும், இயலாமையிலும்
அறியாமையிலும், ஆணவத்திலும்
அமைதியை அன்றோ இழந்துவிட்டனர் மனிதர்கள்?
அமைதியை மறந்து ஆயுதத்தை கையிலெடுத்தால்
நாம் இழப்பது நம் அமைதியைத்தானே?
அமைதியில் இருப்பது எத்துணை உயரிய ஆன்மீகம்!
அதிகார பலத்தையும்,
ஆயுத பலத்தையும்
கையில் கொண்டால் அழிக்கலாமோ
அண்டை நாட்டினரை?
நாடு வேறு என்றாலும்,
நாகரிகம் வேறு என்றாலும்
சாதி வேறு என்றாலும்,
சமுதாயம் வேறு என்றாலும்
மனிதர்கள் என்ற வகையிலே
நாம் அனைவரும் சமம் தானே?
மனிதர்கள் நாம் மகிழ்வினில் வாழ
அவசியம் அமைதி அன்றோ!
அவசியமான அமைதியை அனுதினமும்
அதிகாரத்தின் பெயரிலும், ஆணவத்தின் பெயரிலும்
நாமே அழிப்பது அநீதி அன்றோ!
அழிய வேண்டும் அமைதியை அழிக்கும் அவல நிலை
அமைதியை சீர்குலைக்கும் ஆயுதங்களை வெறுத்திடுவோம்!
அமைதியின் கனியினை வாழ்வினில் தினம் அறுத்திடுவோம்!
ஆயுதம் ஒழித்திட...
அமைதியை வளர்த்திட...
அனுதினம் நாமும் யாசிப்போம்!

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Corruption and Christian Life...!

“Challenge of Christian Life as a Response to the
Situation of corruption in India”

            In this era of extreme scientific and technological growth, there are many changes taking place in our everyday life activities. These changes oftentimes make us wonder at the existing realities in the world and raise many fundamental questions in life especially when the changes directly or indirectly affect the individuals. When I look at these changes, I would like to divide them into that of positive changes and negative changes. Though there are many positive changes taking place every now and then we cannot in any way deny the fact that the negative changes happening in our midst bring many evil effects in the life of every one on this earth and it becomes a huge hindrance to the overall growth of the entire humanity. We witness many kinds of social evils existing in our nation and these social evils block us from blooming into a better, brighter and bigger nation in the international arena. It is known fact that India, our glorious nation once, has become well known for corruption. The shameful scenario of corruption needs to be addressed without delay and this should be the duty of every citizen of this nation. In the midst of corruption and many other evils existing in our Indian society, Christian life puts forth a challenge that spurs everyone to act against corruption and put an end to this corrupt situation of the nation. Certainly corruption has become a common evil in India that has crept into every walk of our life and it should be eradicated. And for this important mission of eradicating corruption, Christian life poses a big challenge and calls for a real positive change by our renewed life of honesty, transparency and integrity.   
Uniqueness of India:
India is unique in innumerable ways. Undoubtedly, when we trace back the history of the world, we would understand the truth that India has been a glorious land rich in all aspects. It is precisely because of this that the British had come to India to loot the wealth of this rich nation. Even today many developed nations like America want to sign important treaties with our country and they want to begin their companies in our land, everything is due to the enormous amount of wealth that lies in our land. In almost all the fields, our country has been recognized as one of the fast developing nations by very many countries. We have proved to the whole world that this land of ours is known for its varied unique performances in the world scenario. Being one of the world’s largest democratic nations on earth, our country has provided umpteen opportunities for practicing democracy unlike other countries that control the people. We have developed quite to a great extend in Satellite technology, agro- productivity and there have been many new innovative changes in socio- economic and political scenario. There have been many development projects for the welfare of the people and the GOVT over the decades has tried its best to provide the maximum possible for the betterment of all the citizens of the nation. We must certainly be proud of this uniqueness of our country. YET, we must never deny the fact that there are many social evils which keep us away from the human values and make us forget the main purpose of our being on this earth. Of all the evils, corruption has become more prevalent than ever and it should be eradicated without delay.
Corruption- a Chronic Illness:
Though our nation has been unique in many ways over the centuries, in the recent past there have been many shameful scams and this has brought a very bad name for the nation. Corruption has of course become a shameful social evil in our nation and has caused many evil effects as well. Corruption in a way has become a chronic illness in the nation affecting the entire growth of the nation. This chronic illness has been the main cause of many problems in our society- injustices, poverty, inequality, amassing of wealth, etc. In both rural and urban India, poverty plays a crucial role and it has been worsening besides the initiatives from the government and this is due to the corrupt politicians who don’t do their job properly in promoting the humanity. The slums in some of the major cities of our country are increasing and the poor people in those slums are forced to lead their lives in an unhygienic condition and thus they are prone to many diseases too. Poverty at the outset has affected the poor people at large and people struggle for their survival. Seeing this ongoing struggle, one would certainly look for a proper tool to eradicate this evil and thus make a road to help the people for their survival.
Reason for corruption:
Looking at the shameful situation of corruption in India, one should certainly look for the reasons for this chronic illness- corruption. There are many reasons for this evil yet I would like to focus on a few things. The first and foremost reason I find is the increasing selfishness of the people in our nation. Due to the selfishness of the individuals, the concern for the other is no more present in our midst. Many in our nation today want to possess more and more wealth at any cost through any means possible. The attitude of ‘having more’ is increasing day by day and the present generation has lost importance of ‘being more.’ In order to have more, they want to grab everything possible at the cost of the poor and the oppressed of our society. There is a huge amount of wealth being misused by minimal number of the masses while the maximum number of poor people suffer without their basic needs. Human greed has been the reason for this chronic illness. Secondly, there is a moral crisis in our nation today. The increasing human greed in many ways has brought this moral crisis. By moral crisis, I mean the ever increasing immoral behavior of the people. There is ethical decline and almost everyone in this nation seems to be ready to sacrifice his/her ethical values in order to fulfill their greed and not need. Thirdly, I consider the failure of the government to eradicate corruption, as the reason for this chronic illness. It is the essential duty of the government to ensure the eradication of corruption. But the government in many ways has failed to act against those who get involved in corrupt activities from the beginning though there seems to be a few arrests and punishments in the recent past. Besides the reasons mentioned above there are also many reasons for this chronic illness. Looking at the reasons alone will in no way help us to eradicate corruption in our nation. But rather, we need to find an amicable solution for this corrupt situation in our nation.
Christian life- as a challenge:
We could find more than one way to put an end to the existing evil of corruption in our nation that blocks India from becoming a developed nation. India has been a cradle for many ancient religions and we could certainly find the remedies from the teachings of those ancient religions. Yet, I deliberately bring Christian teachings as a powerful remedy to eradicate corruption from our nation. Jesus Christ during His life time on earth struggled to bring justice, peace and equality for all people of God and this is precisely the reason for choosing Christian teachings. The Christian teachings invite us to fight for justice in our day to day life and promote justice, peace and equality in our midst not only through our words but through our life. This was precisely practiced by Jesus Himself, who dared to be different in His approach towards promoting the human values through His life. He was compassionate, peace- loving towards people, ever willing to help others in need, ever ready to embrace sinners and forgive them, and above all He was ready to empty Himself to bring life to the poor and the suffering ones of God. Christian life is nothing but following the teachings and life of Jesus Christ, who promoted human values in His entire life. Thus following the footsteps of Jesus, Christian life calls for a dignified life of respecting others and sharing everything with others in need, which is opposed to amassing of wealth- the main characteristic of those involved in corruption in India. Following the footsteps of Jesus, the Christian life puts forth a big challenge for all the citizens of the nation to promote justice, peace and equality and eradicate corruption. In the present scenario of corruption in India, Christian life calls for a transformed life in order to transform the entire nation at large. And so in the corrupt nation of ours, leading a life that Jesus led is highly difficult and challenging, yet that is the need of the hour in order to put an end to corruption and bring back the lost human values of justice, peace and equality.
Educate to Eradicate:
            Christian life comes as a clarion call to fight against corruption. At this present situation of corruption in India, there is important need to educate others in order to eradicate corruption. We need to learn a lot from the Christian teachings to educate others. The teachings of Christ invite us to be other centered rather than self-centered. When we focus on the wellbeing of others automatically we will change our attitude towards wealth and cultivate the habit of sharing the wealth with others in need. Jesus was very compassionate in His life and was kind to those in need. The Christian life puts forth an invitation to be more and more compassionate towards others and regard others as brothers and sisters with whom we need to share our very being. Educating to eradicate corruption becomes an important mission of the Christians. The Christians, having learned from the life of Christ, are called to educate others that corruption is a virulent disease and that has to be eradicated immediately in order to make the humanity live better. Emphasizing on the need for fighting against corruption, every Christian has the prime responsibility to educate others to eradicate corruption not through mere words but through our very life that is rooted in the teachings of Christ.
A Tough Task ahead:
            Living a life that is worthy of being His disciples in this modern world of ours is a tough task yet not an impossible one. When we envision a nation that is free of corruption, the role of Christians in making the vision come true becomes highly imperative. In this nation of ours, wherein we come across many corrupt leaders, who exploit the poor and the oppressed for their vested interests, it is an important duty of each Christian to live a life worthy of being a beacon of hope in fighting against corruption. Jesus calls all of us to bring the kingdom of God come true and that should happen not in heaven but rather the kingdom of God should prevail in our midst here and now. In order to make that happen, we need to get rooted in the teachings of Christ and become the living witnesses of His love on earth. Let us not forget that the Christian life is not a bed of roses rather it is full of many challenges that invite us to lead our lives in faith rooted in His love. Certainly leading such a sincere Christian life, we can educate others to eradicate corruption in a better way.
Towards a corrupt free nation:
            As a young citizen of India I always long to see my nation to be free of corruption and to be a place of freedom, equality, justice and peace, where every citizen could lead his/ her life with dignity in happiness. Obviously, it might be the inner desire of many citizens of this nation who have love for the nation. The corrupt politicians today have spoiled the name of our nation due to their vested interests and they have misused the power given to them by the people. They were suppose to use their political power for the betterment of the people at large but they have failed to do so by falling prey to their selfish desires. They have paid more attention to amassing more wealth for themselves and failed to build India a better place to live in. We are now at the crossroads towards a corrupt free nation. Following the teachings of Christ, the Christians should be the torchbearers of this march towards a corrupt free nation. Let us enlighten the whole nation letting every citizen know of the importance of being more rather than having more in life. In this march towards a corrupt free nation, we need to emphasize on the importance of human need rather than human greed and that is precisely the essence of Christian Life.
            We, Christians are called and sanctioned by God to take active part in the transformation of society and in promoting human values not through our words alone but through our effective deeds of daily life. Having realized the need for a true transformation in our nation against corruption, let us be determined that it is the fundamental duty of every Christian to challenge the modern men and women in order to eradicate corruption. Certainly, Christian life is a challenge for all in this corrupt condition of our nation and it calls for a renewal of heart in respecting others, showing our solidarity with the suffering citizens of the nation and in eradicating corruption in our nation, which will pave way for a brighter future in our nation. Having experienced the richness of the teachings of Christ, the Christians all over the nation need to share the fruits of their Christian life among their fellow brothers and sisters which will eventually spur them to act against corruption and bring the Gospel values come true in our midst. Understanding the evil effects of corruption in our nation let us not be the change makers rather let us try to be the change that we want to see in our nation for the wellbeing of every being on earth. And that will be the best example of leading a true Christian life that Christ our Lord envisioned.

ஆசிரியப்பணி அறப்பணியே...

கொம்படிமதுரை – சிவகங்கை மாவட்டத்திலுள்ள ஒரு குக்கிராமம். இக்கிராமத்திலுள்ள ஆர்.சி தொடக்கப் பள்ளியில் நான் தொடக்கக் கல்வி பயின்றேன். ஒவ்வோர் ஆண்டும் செப்டம்பர் மாதம் நான் என் பள்ளியைப் பற்றி அதிகம் நினைப்பதுண்டு. அதற்கு காரணம் என் கையினைப் பிடித்து எழுத்து பலகையிலே “அ, ஆ, இ…” எழுத சொல்லிக் கொடுத்த ஆசான்கள்தான். இத்தனை ஆண்டுகள் கடந்தும் அவர்களை நான் நினைவுகூறக் காரணம் அவர்கள் ஆற்றிய அறப்பணியாம் ஆசிரியப்பணியே. அவர்களின் அன்பையும், அடியோடு கூடிய அரவணைப்பையும், கஷ்டங்கள் மத்தியில் அவர்களின் கடின உழைப்பையும் கண்டு வியந்த மாணவர்களில் நானும் ஒருவன். இத்தனை வருடங்களையும் விட இந்த வருடம் என் பள்ளியைப் பற்றிய பெருமை என்னுள் அதிகம் எழுந்தது. அதற்கு ஒரு காரணம் உண்டு.
அன்று தொடக்கப் பள்ளியாக இருந்த எனது பள்ளி இன்று தூய யூஜின் உயர் நிலைப் பள்ளியாக உயர்ந்துள்ளது. சாதாரண ஏழை மாணவ, மாணவிகள் பயிலும் இப்பள்ளியில் கடந்த கல்வி ஆண்டில் பத்தாம் வகுப்பு பொதுத் தேர்வில் 100மூ  தேர்ச்சி. நிறைய மாணவர்கள் நல்ல மதிப்பெண்களும் எடுத்திருந்தனர். எத்தனையோ பள்ளிகள் சாதனை படைக்க பல வகைகளில் முயற்சித்தும் முடியாது திகைத்த தருணத்தில் இக்  கிராமப் புற பள்ளியின் குட்டிச் சாதனை உண்மையில் என்னை குதூகலப்படுத்தியது. தேர்வு முடிவுகள் அறிந்து, அங்கு பணி செய்யும் என் அண்ணியிடம் வாழ்த்துக்கள் சொன்ன போது அவர் சொன்னார் “இதற்கு முக்கிய காரணம் இங்கு பணி செய்கின்ற ஒரு சில உண்மையான, உயரிய பணி செய்யும் தியாக மனமுடைய ஆசிரியர்களே!” என்று. இக்காலத்து ஆசிரியர்களைப் பற்றிய மாறுபட்ட எண்ணம் கொண்டிருந்த நான், “அப்படி என்ன பெரிய தியாகம் செய்துவிட்டார்கள் அந்த ஆசிரியர்கள்?” என்று விளையாட்டாய் கேட்ட பொழுது அவர் சொன்னார், “பெரிய படிப்பு படித்துவிட்டு, குறைவான ஊதியத்தில் நிறைவாக பணி செய்கிறார்கள். வேறெங்காவது சென்று அதிக சம்பளத்திற்கு குறைவாக வேலை செய்யலாம். ஆனால் அதைத் துறந்துவிட்டு இக்கிராமத்திலே தியாக மனத்தோடு அவர்கள் செய்யும் பணி போற்றுதற்குரியது.” என் அண்ணி அன்ற சொன்னது என் உள் மனதில் ஒரு தாக்கத்தை ஏற்படுத்தியது. கிராமப்புறத்திலே அவர்கள் செய்யும்  பணி உண்மையில் ஓர் அறப்பணியே என்பதை உணர்ந்து ஆசிரியப்பணியின் மகத்துவத்தை கொஞ்சம் மாண்போடு நினைவு கூற முடிந்தது.
“அன்ன சத்திரம் ஆயிரம் கட்டலும், ஆலயம் பதினாயிரம் நாட்டலும், அன்ன யாவினும் புண்ணியம் கோடி, ஆங்கோர் ஏழைக்கு எழுத்தறிவித்தலே” என்ற உயரிய நோக்கோடு இன்றும் உண்மைப் பணி புரியும் மாமனிதர்களை நினைவு கூற வேண்டிய கட்டாயத்தை உணர்ந்தேன். அந்தப் பள்ளியைப் போல் எத்தனையோ கிராமப் புறங்களில் அடிப்படை வசதியின்றி அல்லலுறும் ஏழைகளுக்கு எழுத்தறிவிக்;கும் ஆசான்களை நினைவு கூர்ந்து அவர்களுக்காய் ஒரு விழா எடுப்பது சாலச் சிறந்ததே. அடித்தட்டு மக்களின் அகவிருள் நீக்கி அறிவொளி ஏற்றிட அயராது உழைக்கும் ஆசிரியர்கள் அனைவரையும் அன்போடு நினைவு கூர்ந்து அவர்களுக்கு விழா எடுக்கத் தான் ஆசிரியர் தினம் அழைப்பு விடுக்கின்றது. செப்டம்பர் மாதம் ஐந்தாம் தேதி ஒரு நிமிடம் யோசித்தால் உண்மை தெரியும். நம் ஒவ்வொருவரையும் உயர்த்திவிட்டு வாழ்வில் பல சாதனை படைக்க, புது சரித்திரம் புடைக்க உசுப்பி விட்ட உன்னதர்கள் நம் ஆசான்கள் என்று. ஆசிரியப்பணி அறப்பணி என்பதை உணர்ந்து பல ஆசிரியர்கள் பணி செய்து ஆசிரியப்பணிக்கு பெருமை சேர்த்தாலும் இன்றைய உலகில் அறப் பணியாம் ஆசிரியப் பணியின் அர்த்தத்தை உணராது கடமைக்கு காலத்தைக் கடத்தும் ஆசிரியர்களும் ஏராளம். “வேலியே பயிரை மேய்வது போல்” கல்விக் கண் திறக்க வேண்டிய ஆசான்களே தங்கள் மாணவர்களை பகடை காய்களாய் பயன்படுத்துவதும், சாதியின் பெயரில் பிரிவினை பார்த்து தாழ்த்தப்பட்ட மாணவர்களை மாண்போடு மதிக்க மறுப்பதும் நம் கண் முன் அரங்கேறும் பரிதாப நிலை. கல்வி காசாக்கப்பட்டு, காசுக்காய் மகத்துவத்தை உணர்த்த மறுக்கும் ஆசிரியர்களும், நம் நாட்டில் இருப்பது நாம் அறிந்ததே. ஏழைக்கொரு கல்வி செல்வந்தனுக்கோ மற்றொன்று என கல்வியில் பாகுபாடு காண்பித்து பிஞ்சுக் குழந்தைகளின் மனதிலே நஞ்சினை விதைக்கும் கொடூரம் பல இடங்களில் நடைமுறையாகிவிட்டது. பள்ளியில் கற்பிப்பதை விட, மாலை நேரங்களில் டியூசன் என்ற பெயரில் பணத்தினை சுரண்டும் ஆசிரியர்கள் எத்தனை, எத்தனை! இவையெல்லாம் அரங்கேறுவது அறப்பணியாம் ஆசிரியப்பணிக்கு இழுக்கு என்பதை ஆசிரியர்கள் பலர் மறந்துவிட்டனர். ஆசிரியர் தினத்தன்று ஆசிரியர்களுக்கு விழா எடுத்து, அவர்களை போற்றி நன்றி கூறுவது மாணவர்களின் மகத்தான கடமையாக இருந்தாலும், ஆசிரியர்கள் தங்களின் கடமையை மறந்துவிடக் கூடாது. ஆம், ஆசிரியர்கள் அனைவரும் தாங்கள் ஆற்றுவது அறப்பணி என்பதை ஆழ்ந்து உணர்ந்து அதன்படி தங்களின் வாழ்வினை மாற்றிட வேண்டும். நவீன உலகிலே நாளுக்கு நாள் சமூக அவலங்கள் அதிகமாகிக் கொண்டே இருக்கின்றன. அதற்கு முக்கிய காரணம் ஒழுங்கான கல்வியின்மையே. சமுதாய அவலங்கள் மறைந்து புது சமுதாயம் புலர்ந்திட வேண்டுமெனில் உண்மையான, ஒழுக்கம் நிறைந்த, பாகுபாடில்லாத, மனிதத்தை வளர்க்கும் வளமான கல்வி முறை மலர்ந்திட வேண்டும். அத்தகைய வளமான கல்வி முறையை வார்த்தெடுக்க வேண்டிய வித்தகர்கள் ஆசிரியப் பெரு மக்கள். ஒவ்வோர் ஆசானும் “ஆசிரியப் பணி அறப் பணியே” என்பதை உணர்ந்து அதை முனைப்போடு ஆற்றிட முயற்சிக்கும் போதுதான் அது சாத்தியப் படும். அறப் பணியாம் ஆசிரியப் பணி அறவழியில் செழிக்கும் போது “ உலகம் சம நிலை பெற வேண்டும், உயர்வு தாழ்வில்லா நிலை வேண்டும்” என்ற அகத்தியரின் கனவு அகிலம் தனில் நனவாகும். அப்போது நாம் சமுதாய அவலங்கள் நீக்கி சமத்துவ வழியில் சாதனை தினமும் படைத்திடலாம், பிறரின் வேதனை நிதமும் துடைத்திடலாம், புது சரித்திரம் வாழ்வில் அமைத்திடலாம்.