Sunday 7 September 2014

Is Humanity Dead…?

Every day as I flip through the pages of various news papers, I am shattered seeing the raw reality that is haunting us more and more now than yester-years. The more human beings become educated; less humane they become. Yes, it is very obvious that most of the continuous crimes occurring in our nation today are precisely because of those educated in power. 
Various crimes done to the innocent masses more particularly to the women and children all over the nation have been constantly disturbing me and made me question, “Is Humanity Dead..?” Many young citizens of this nation who are fed up with the present political scenario would undoubtedly raise the same question, “Is Humanity Dead..?” Committing various crimes against the innocent ones yet not feeling guilty for their grievous mistakes have become a common phenomenon in this democratic nation. The recent comments of a prominent political person, who openly said that he had done the right thing to stop riots, made me question, how come those many innocent citizens lost their lives in the riots if he had done the right thing? Is the mass killing a right thing according to him? When the whole nation is aware of what happened in 2002, there is ONE who doesn’t feel guilty for what happened and it is an open proclamation in the media. 
Sadly though we the citizens of this democratic nation support such a political figure and dare not question the evil doings of those in power. More sad I am to know that there are political moves to bring him to the top of the political ladder. Knowing well that humanity is brutalized in front of our eyes, we become just eye witnesses and never do we take an effort to fight against such inhuman deeds. Even if some attempt to fight for justice, they are cruelly dealt with by those who have money and muscle power. With all these disturbing thoughts floating in my mind, I was journeying in a bus with the same question, “Is Humanity dead..? Why do human beings forget to realize the importance of being humane towards the other?” The conversations that took place in the crowded bus in TN made me realize the fact that the humanity is DEAD among those educated in Power and certainly NOT among those ordinary citizens of this nation. 
It was a beautiful evening. In that old government bus, there were young men and women busy texting messages in their mobiles, some middle aged men and women were busy protecting their things but there were also some elderly women who were feeling for another woman who had lost her thirty thousand rupees in the crowded bus stand at Tanjure. Soon many others started expressing their feelings for the one who lost her money. They were ordinary women who had no formal education and they don’t know to speak in fluent tongues. Yet I could see humanity very much active and alive among them. They were there feeling for one whom they don’t even know or haven’t even seen. Yet they were united as human beings. The sympathy of the elderly women made me re-think my previous opinion on the death of humanity. I came to the realization that humanity is not dead but rather very much active among the ordinary citizens of this nation living in the real Bharath that is still dark and dirty and not among those living in posh bungalows and in shining houses. Those in power will never have an iota of feeling towards the suffering people but might express in affluent words that they feel for the suffering ones. They cannot feel for the innocent ones mainly because they don’t realize the worth of being humane. Yes, for those filthy and fickle- minded politicians, who play dirty politics in our nation today, human beings are just vote banks and once the election is over they forget those who elevated them in their political ladder. 
The power hungry politicians concentrate more on their political prosperity and certainly not on the prosperity of the nation and her people. They forget to do the right thing at the right time and when all is done and gone they claim that they did the right thing. The politicians need to learn more from the ordinary citizens, who feel for one another irrespective of their caste, colour, creed and culture. 
Undoubtedly, those who falsely proclaim “India Is Shining” need to look at the raw reality in the real Bharath- the rural villages of India and learn from those ordinary and uneducated ones the lessons for life- to be more humane and keep humanity more alive and active. Can our ‘so-called’ political heroes come down to the real Bharath and see the reality? If that happens so, our politicians will be more conscious of what they think, speak and do instead of speaking anything in the air. When they realize the worth of humanity, they would become aware of their grievous mistakes and feel guilty for what they committed. And never will they falsely utter that they did the right thing, when the whole nation knows what went wrong!